4D Strength


4d Strength

Helping Time-Strapped Men Turn Their Dad Bod Into A Lean and Strong Physique They Can Be Proud Of…

In Just 3 Hours Per Week 

(Whilst eating juicy burgers and sippin’ beer)

Want To Know What All Of These Dads Have In Common?

None of them had 12, 10, or even 6 hours spare to train every week.

They all loved greasy food and the odd booze-up.

Plus, they’d all tried to lose weight, build muscle and get stronger before…

…and FAILED.

Whether that was because….

They couldn’t find the time to exercise, eat healthily, AND raise a family.

😵Aching joints and their creaky lower back kept them away from training.

📅They struggled to stick to their diet past 5 pm on a Friday.

💩They’d been encouraged to follow bullshit fads like HIIT training and fat-burning supplements

They were still stuck with a body that left them disappointed whenever they caught a glimpse of themselves in the mirror.

And they’d convinced themselves their best years were behind them.

Yet in as little as 12 weeks of working together, they –

✅ Melted up to 23lbs of fat.

✅ Carved a lean and chiselled physique out of their once-soggy bods

✅ Added anywhere from 13-27kg to EACH of their big lifts

✅ Finally proved to themselves they could conquer their physique goals

Want To Discover (And Fix) What’s Stopping You From Achieving The Same Thing…For FREE?