4D Strength

Sports Massage

EXIT This Page Now If You DON’T Suffer From Any Of These:

  • Back pain and lack of mobility
  • Tight hips and struggle to hit a deep squat 
  • Shoulder pain when overhead pressing
  • Muscle soreness after the gym
  • A dip in your gym (or sport) performance

…Or Keep Reading To Discover How To Get Rid of Your Back Pain, Loosen Your Hips, And Boost Your Performance In As Little As 45 Minutes.

Hey there 👋

If you stumbled onto this page by accident…

My name is Ryan Holder.

And during my 18 years as a high-level powerlifter, bodybuilder and now Jiu Jitsu athlete, I’ve had more injuries, aches and pains than hot dinners.

At first, I tried to relieve them through stretching, yoga, and icing myself…

But nothing worked.

I took entire weeks off training to recover.

Only for my back and shoulders to flare up the moment I started working out again.

My performance in the gym came to a screeching halt.

Every exercise felt tight and stiff.

And some mornings, I’d take almost 10 minutes just to get out of bed.

Eventually, a friend recommended getting a sports massage.

And after just a single session, I felt like a new man.

I could practically feel the tension from my pain dissolving.

When I next trained, I moved like butter — smoothly flowing through each exercise.

And after a few more sessions, my niggles had practically disappeared.

Plus, I recovered faster from workouts.

So safe to say I was sold on sports massage.

And I knew there were others who’d benefit from having them too.

People who’d spent years hunched over a computer screen…

Could barely exercise because of their pain.

And had become all too familiar with a sore neck and a glass lower back.

I knew Sports Massage could help them.

So I became a qualified therapist myself.

And since then, I’ve helped hundreds of men and women get rid of their creaky backs, clicky shoulders, and tight hips once and for all.

They’re able to squat, press, and deadlift in perfect form, pain-free.

They can climb, run and jump without having to lie on the sofa for an afternoon to recover.

And they can work long hours at a desk without having to pop anti-inflammatories like Tic Tac to get through the day.

Why Get A Sports Massage?

Say ‘Goodbye’ to Neck and Back Pain

Work 4,6 or even 10 hours at your desk without having stiff joints and muscles at the end of the day.

Reduce Muscle Soreness

Avoid walking around in agony for 3-7 days after a workout.

Improve Flexibility and Range of Motion

Finally, hit full depth on your squats or simply touch your toes without straining your lower back.

Boost Recovery

A sports massage minimises inflammation and helps you be ready to attack your next workout sooner.

Increase Productivity and Sleep Quality

Reduced stress and tension in the body allow your body to relax fully.

Prevent Injury

The techniques I use will expose and heal injury ‘hot zones’ to stop niggles and aches from turning into serious injuries.

How Does a Sports Massage Work?

Step 1

Click here to book your 45-minute sports massage and complete a brief pre-screening form so I help you in the best way possible.

Step 2

When you arrive, we’ll discuss the areas that need the most attention, and I’ll walk you through exactly how the massage will work.

Step 3

Walk away feeling more relaxed, looser, and able to bend, stretch and twist with a lot less pain.

What Others Say About How I’ve Helped Them Reduce Their Pain, Improve Their Mobility, And Ease Their Stress:

“I’ve been struggling with pain in my hips for many years, and even after visits to the doctors, it was still ongoing. Ryan suggested sports massage, which to begin with, I was very sceptical.

After treatment from Ryan and mobility exercises also prescribed by Ryan I am now pain-free, more flexible and no longer rely on anti-inflammatories etc.

The whole experience, from start to finish, was very professional and, most importantly for me, relaxed and informative.

I highly recommend Ryan to anyone with aches and pains, whether it is sports related or not (I sit at a desk all day which doesn’t help).

He has completely changed my view on massage and its benefits, and I now have treatment on a regular basis.”

2 weeks of lower back pain completely GONE within 2 days.


A 45-minute session is £50.
There will be some discomfort as I’ll be literally breaking down deep tissue. However, I’ll ONLY use a pressure that is manageable and bearable for you.
Men wear shorts or boxer shorts.
Women wear sports bras and shorts throughout the massage.
I leave the room so you can get undressed and cover yourself with a towel. 
Then during the massage, your body is covered by a towel, except where I’m working.
My massage room is located in Kedington (Suffolk).
Full address: [ADDRESS]
You should feel an almost immediate relief in pain, aches, and tension. To avoid these building back up, I recommend getting another sports massage every 4 weeks.

If you’re already injured, I recommend a massage every 5-7 days to speed up recovery.